Be a part of
Crowsnest Conservation Society is a charitable organization. We work with community partners to ensure a healthy future for the natural environment and its inhabits in the Crowsnest Pass.
When you become a member, you help to support advocacy work, research & development, community programming, outreach, and society organization. When you become a member, you contribute to our growing support base. The larger our support base, the further our programming and advocacy reaches. Together our collective voices are stronger, and when we approach decision-makers, our strong voice makes our advocacy more credible. |
Choose the membership that suits you best. Annual memberships are valid from January through to December of each calendar year. All memberships contribute to the growth and support of our society's mission and community programming.
Need gift ideas? Memberships are a fantastic way to celebrate a birthday or holiday season. Purchase a membership for a friend or family member |
Rather make a donation? |
Is a donation a better fit for you or your organization? To make a one-time or recurring donation to our society, visit our donation page to find out how.